Chicken and Broccoli Casserole

Parents always complain to me that they can’t get their kids to eat broccoli. Still, I try to find new ways to use it in recipes, because broccoli is not only packed with beta-carotene, folic acid and vitamin C, it’s a fun food for toddlers to pick up.

Kids love holding the little “trees” and munching off the tops and then making their way down the stalk. Instead of “sneaking” or “hiding” it in your kids food, let them know how good it is for them. Eat some yourself and show them how much you love it or try dipping in hummus or another spread. Or try this recipe. It is such an All-American dish. It’s one of those comfort foods that’s actually kind of healthy (minus the cream sauce in the adult version, of course).

Chicken and Broccoli Casserole

Makes 2 cups, good for ages 4-8 months


  • 1 cup cooked and chopped chicken breast
  • 1 cup cubed potato
  • 1 cup broccoli florets
  • 2 tablespoons cheddar or other hard cheese
  • 1/4 cup water from the steamer pot


1. Place the potatoes and broccoli in a steamer pot over boiling water and cook until tender, about 6-8 minutes.

2. Place all the ingredients in the Baby Bullet and puree, adding water 1 tablespoon at a time, until desired consistency is reached. You can leave this chunky for toddlers to get them used to more textures and chewing.

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