Mango Banana Puree with Nutribullet Baby: A Delicious and Nutritious Blend for Your Little One

Introducing solid foods to your baby is a big milestone, and as a parent, you want to make sure that you are giving your little one the best possible nutrition. One way to do that is by making your own baby food using a Nutribullet Baby blender. This article will show you how to make Mango Banana Puree with Nutribullet Baby, a tasty and healthy blend that your baby will love.

Why Choose Mango and Banana for Your Baby?

Mango and banana are two fruits that are packed with nutrients that are essential for your baby’s growth and development. Mango is a good source of vitamin A, which is important for healthy skin, eyes, and immune system. It also contains vitamin C, which helps with iron absorption and supports the immune system. Bananas are high in potassium, which is important for maintaining healthy blood pressure and kidney function. They are also a good source of fiber, which can help with digestion and prevent constipation in babies.

How to Make Mango Banana Puree with Nutribullet Baby

Making Mango Banana Puree with Nutribullet Baby is a breeze, and you only need a few ingredients to get started.


1 ripe banana
1 ripe mango
Water or breast milk/formula (optional)


Peel and chop the banana and mango into small pieces.
Place the fruit into the Nutribullet Baby blender.
Add a small amount of water or breast milk/formula (optional) to thin out the puree if needed.
Blend until smooth and creamy.
Serve the puree to your baby immediately, or store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 3 days.

FAQs about Mango Banana Puree with Nutribullet Baby

Q: Can I use frozen mango and banana?

A: Yes, you can use frozen fruit to make Mango Banana Puree with Nutribullet Baby. Simply thaw the fruit before blending.

Q: Can I add other ingredients to the puree?

A: Yes, you can add other ingredients to the puree, such as avocado or yogurt, to increase the nutritional value and texture of the blend.

Q: How long can I store Mango Banana Puree with Nutribullet Baby in the fridge?

A: You can store the puree in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 3 days. Discard any leftover puree after that time.

Q: Can I freeze Mango Banana Puree with Nutribullet Baby?

A: Yes, you can freeze the puree in an airtight container or freezer bag for up to 3 months. Thaw the puree

Benefits of Making Mango Banana Puree with Nutribullet Baby at Home

Making your own baby food has many benefits, including:

1. Cost-Effective

Making your own baby food can be much cheaper than buying pre-packaged baby food. By buying fresh fruits and vegetables in bulk, you can save money and also ensure that your baby is getting fresh, healthy food.

2. Control Over Ingredients

When you make your own baby food, you have complete control over what goes into it. You can choose the freshest and most nutritious ingredients, and avoid preservatives and additives that are commonly found in store-bought baby food.

3. Tailored to Your Baby’s Needs

Making your own baby food allows you to tailor the taste and texture to your baby’s preferences and needs. You can also control the thickness and consistency of the puree, making it easier or more challenging for your baby to eat.

Tips for Making Mango Banana Puree with Nutribullet Baby

Here are some additional tips to ensure that you make the perfect Mango Banana Puree with Nutribullet Baby:

1. Choose Ripe Fruits

Make sure that your banana and mango are fully ripe before using them. This will ensure that they are sweet and full of flavor, and also easier to blend.

2. Use a Good Blender

Investing in a good blender, such as the Nutribullet Baby, can make all the difference when it comes to making baby food. A high-quality blender will ensure that the puree is smooth and creamy, with no lumps or chunks.

3. Thin Out the Puree if Needed

If the puree is too thick, you can add a small amount of water or breast milk/formula to thin it out. This will make it easier for your baby to swallow and digest.

4. Experiment with Different Ingredients

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different fruits and vegetables to create new and exciting flavor combinations for your baby. Some other great options to try include apple and pear, sweet potato and carrot, and avocado and spinach.

In conclusion

Making Mango Banana Puree with Nutribullet Baby is a simple and nutritious way to introduce solid foods to your baby. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can ensure that your little one is getting the best possible nutrition while also enjoying a tasty and healthy treat.

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