Delicious and Nutritious: How to Make White Peach and Banana Puree for Your Baby

When it comes to baby food or healthy snacks, white peach and banana puree is a winning combination. Not only does it taste delicious, but it’s also packed with essential nutrients and vitamins. In this article, we’ll show you how to make white peach and banana puree at home, the benefits of this tasty treat, and answer some frequently asked questions about it.

Benefits of White Peach and Banana Puree

1. Nutritious

White peaches and bananas are both loaded with essential vitamins and minerals that are important for overall health. Bananas are rich in potassium, which is important for heart health and can help regulate blood pressure. White peaches are an excellent source of vitamin C, which is important for immune function and skin health.

2. Easy to Digest

Both white peaches and bananas are easy to digest, making them perfect for babies and young children. This puree is also a great option for anyone with digestive issues or a sensitive stomach.

3. Versatile

White peach and banana puree is a versatile treat that can be enjoyed in many ways. It can be served as a snack on its own, used as a topping for oatmeal or yogurt, or even added to smoothies for a delicious and nutritious boost.

4. Low in Calories

For those who are watching their calorie intake, white peach and banana puree is a great option. Both fruits are low in calories and high in fiber, making them a satisfying and healthy snack.

How to Make White Peach and Banana Puree

Making white peach and banana puree is simple and only requires a few ingredients. Here’s how to do it:


  • 2 ripe white peaches, peeled and pitted
  • 1 ripe banana, peeled
  • 1/4 cup water


  1. Chop the peaches and banana into small pieces.
  2. Place the chopped fruit in a blender or food processor.
  3. Add the water to the blender or food processor.
  4. Blend until the mixture is smooth and creamy.
  5. Transfer the puree to an airtight container and store in the refrigerator for up to three days.


1. Can I use yellow peaches instead of white?

Yes, you can use yellow peaches instead of white. However, white peaches are typically sweeter and less acidic than yellow peaches, which may affect the taste of the puree.

2. Is white peach and banana puree safe for babies?

Yes, white peach and banana puree is safe for babies as long as they are old enough to eat solid foods. However, before introducing any new food to your baby, it’s important to talk to their pediatrician. They can advise you on the appropriate age to start feeding your baby purees and ensure that there are no allergies or sensitivities to the ingredients.

3. Can I freeze white peach and banana puree?

Yes, you can freeze white peach and banana puree for up to three months. Simply transfer the puree to an airtight container or freezer-safe bag and store in the freezer until ready to use.

4. Can I add other fruits to the puree?

Absolutely! White peach and banana puree can be combined with other fruits such as strawberries, blueberries, or mango for added flavor and nutrition.

5. Is white peach and banana puree a good option for weight loss?

White peach and banana puree can be a good option for weight loss as it is low in calories and high in fiber, which can help you feel full and satisfied. However, be mindful of portion sizes and consider the other foods you are consuming as part of your overall diet.


In conclusion, white peach and banana puree is a delicious and nutritious treat that is easy to make and can be enjoyed in a variety of ways. It is loaded with essential vitamins and minerals, easy to digest, and low in calories, making it a great option for both babies and adults. Experiment with different fruits to create your own unique flavor combinations and enjoy the benefits of this tasty and healthy snack. If you’re looking for more baby food ideas, check out this recipe for Beet, Blackberry, and Grape Puree using the Nutribullet Baby. It’s a delicious and nutritious combination that your little one is sure to love.

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